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Why PCOS is not just a hormonal imbalance.

💥 How PCOS Disrupts Metabolism 💥

Most people think of PCOS as a hormonal condition, but it actually affects both hormones and metabolism.

Hormonal patterns commonly seen in PCOS include elevated testosterone (causing hair to grow in all the wrong places or acne beyond teenage years) and estrogen dominance (high estrogen and low progesterone).

But here are some ways PCOS interacts with metabolism:

1️⃣ Insulin Resistance

Insulin Resistance is strongly associated with PCOS. This leads to elevated blood sugar, high cholesterol, and trouble losing weight.

2️⃣ Chronic Inflammation

PCOS is often accompanied by increased levels of inflammation throughout the body. This can make it harder to maintain blood sugar balance and a healthy weight, and contribute to low mood and anxiety symptoms as well.

3️⃣ Thyroid Function

Women with PCOS are more likely than the general population to also be diagnosed with low thyroid function. That translates to a slower metabolism, fatigue, and weight gain.

Why does this matter?

Because if all we do is look at testosterone and estrogen in PCOS, we are missing a huge opportunity. We need to treat PCOS as the whole-body condition that it actually is. We need to support insulin function and thyroid function while, at the same time, working to quell inflammation.

That’s what we do in functional medicine.

This is part 2 of 4 in my series on PCOS, so pay attention. Stress can also get into the PCOS mix—messing with both hormones and metabolism. That post is coming next week.

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